"whether you are vaccinated or not you will eventually have natural immunity too. The difference is that if you are vaccinated first you have much better odds of avoiding hospitalization or death."

In general that may be true, but I wonder, considering Denis was taking Prophylactics, whether those odds accurately reflect his increased protection of severity?

I've had Covid. If I hadn't I probably wouldn't go seek it out either, but I don't necessarily think its dumb to, knowing your own risk and being educated in treatments, to get the inevitable over with. If your not gonna take the vaccine, your not gonna take it. Anyways, thanks for the great articles!

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Thanks! My works don't hold a candle to your prose, but I'm glad you find them interesting. Please share this blog with others who you think might also find it interesting.

Your point is well taken. Taking prophylactics as well as immediately starting aggressive treatment upon diagnosis both reduced his risk, likely dramatically. Still, I think foregoing the vaccine as an additional means to reduce risk at his age, especially given the reasons he sited, is a mistake. The age stratification of Covid risk is just so great that what might make no sense for a 30 year old, can make as the sense in the world for a 70 year old.

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