Israel Provides Another Example for Why Vaccine Mandates Should be Opposed
They Altered the Deal, Pray They Don't Alter it Any Farther
California continues to march farther down the road towards vaccine mandates, now requiring proof of vaccination (or a recent negative test) for all indoor events with greater than 1,000 patrons. I thought I'd share the latest news coming out of Israel which should inform us of the dangers lurking down this path of greater and greater restrictions and mandates.
As you may know, Israel is one of the most highly vaccinated countries in the world, and yet it is currently being racked by another wave of Covid. This has led Israel to begin offering a 3rd booster shot of the Pfizer Covid vaccine. This began with the elderly a few weeks back followed by progressively younger age groups. Just last week it was opened up to those aged 30 years and older, and then on Sunday it was announced that all those eligible for the vaccine (Age 12 and up) are now eligible for the 3rd booster dose. But here comes the catch!
Earlier this year, during the initial vaccine role out, the Israeli government instituted the so called "Green Pass", which is an app and card based system that must be presented to show proof that you are fully vaccinated when entering most common places of business. These include bars, cafes, restaurants, gyms, event halls, studios, hotels, tourist attractions, houses of worship, sporting events and conferences. You name it, if you want to live anything approaching a normal life in Israel, you must have the Green Pass. It's effectively a vaccine mandate, and just as predicted, it's has not been effective in preventing Israel's current Covid surge. But that hasn't deterred the government to sticking to these restrictions.
And well, the rules just changed!
On Sunday while announcing all Israelis 12 and up COULD get the booster shot, they effectively also told them that they MUST get the booster shot. Now, only those who have received their second dose of vaccine within the last six months, or who have received a third booster shot are eligible for the Green Pass. These rules go into effect October 1st, so many Israelis who became fully vaccinated earlier in the year have just a month's worth of their freedoms left before they must undergo another medical treatment to keep them. A medical treatment with no publicly available trials to show effectiveness or safety. What the hell is going on!?
It's just like Joe Rogan explained:
"As soon as you give politicians power, any kind of power that didn’t exist previously, historically they don’t relinquish that power, they find new reasons to use it."
As Israeli Coronavirus Commissioner Salman Zarka stated:
"We are updating our definition of what it means to be vaccinated."
Wow! That was quick...
It reminds me of a quote from my favorite movie:
"I'm altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any farther."
- Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back

Will California follow in kind once the Biden Administration okays booster for the US? How long will this definition of “fully vaccinated” last until it is change again? Why would any free society accept it’s freedoms to be conditioned on the whims of politicians and bureaucrats in this way? This is just one more reason for why these vaccine mandates are just a terrible idea.
I think we should all pray that the deal the Israeli's now have isn't altered any farther, and we can only pray that California's leaders (or the voters in two weeks...) come to their senses and quick!
Anyway 0 and 2…