We Have to Vax the Kids to Find Out What the Adverse Effects Are?!
And Other Concerning Remarks from the FDA's Committee Meeting on Covid Shots for Kids
As you may have heard, an FDA advisory committee just voted in favor of an Emergency Use Authorization for the Covid vaccine in children 5 to 11!
That's not at all surprising. The freight train towards approving and eventually mandating Covid shots for children this age won't be stopped.
Was it surprising was some of what was said during the meeting. The craziest of all:
We have to Vax the Kids to find out what the Adverse Effects Are...
Okay, it wasn't quite that bad, but it was close:

"We're never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it."
Nancy Pelosi would be proud!
Maybe it's just me, but I figured you had to volunteer to be part of a pharmaceutical trial. It turns out we just open source these things on the public now... And no, this isn't a joke, you can read it in Pfizer's committee briefing document:
"The number of participants in the current clinical development program is too small to detect any potential risks of myocarditis associated with vaccination. Long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccine in participants 5 to <12 years of age will be studied in 5 post-authorization safety studies,..."
As I've said before, We Don't Need Warp Speed for Child Covid Vaccines! Why wouldn't we expand the trials to more than 800 boys before unleashing this drug on millions of kids?
At least some members on the committee seemed to grasps this, and one doctor laid out his concerns in the video linked below which is also worth a listen.

Here's a summary of his points:
The baseline risk to children in this age group is very low.
Only 1/3 of hospitalizations are in children without underlying commodities.
Nearly half of all children in the country have already been infected with Covid.
This leaves a very small percent of otherwise healthy kids who might benefit from the vaccine.
We don't know what the side effects will be.
It's not even clear that the vaccine will reduce rates of transmission (it probably won't).
The vaccine will probably not prevent infection, only severe disease.
Even with all that, the states will likely mandate this vaccine in order to go to school.
This would be a grave error, and yet Dr. Meissner voted in favor of it anyway.

Only one member of the 18 member committee didn’t vote yes, but instead abstained. Here’s what Dr. Michael Kurilla had to say about his abstention:
“A vote “no” would have been interpreted as a vote against the vaccine itself rather than the administration of the vaccine, there clearly are children with risk factors who could potentially benefit from a vaccine, but I don’t see the need for “emergency use” of this vaccine across the entire age group”
While I can understand his reasoning, I wish he and others had the courage to vote no, and instead reconsider a second question on approving the vaccine only for children with risk factors. Instead we are now one step closer to the mandates.
Anyway, 0 and 2…