There’s an amusing Atlantic article going around that discusses the “Liberals that Can't Quit Lockdown”. Many of the more liberal enclaves of the country still haven’t opened up to a reasonable degree and their residents are still double masked to the hilt. This reminds me of the experiences in counties near me such as Yolo and Placer Counties in California.
Yolo County is home of UC Davis and was locked down tight with masks everywhere indoors and out. Placer county was one of the Nor Cal counties most resistant to lockdowns, they had much laxer enforcement and compliance with masking rules and many businesses and restaurants there resisted orders to close.
Both counties are adjacent to Sacramento with a similar mix of urban, suburban and rural areas and they have similar population densities.Now WITHOUT CHEATING, guess which county has had the better Covid results?
Scroll down for results
Per Capita Covid Results per 100K residents:
County: Covid Cases/100K Death w/ Covid/100K
Placer 5,614 72
Yolo 6,279 95
Say it with me folks, Lockdowns (and masks...) Don't Work!
I will say this. I didn't expect this either given what I've heard in the news. I heard stories of the "Covid deniers" in Placer getting hit quite hard by the disease, but I never once heard about issues in Davis or West Sac. Funny how that works...
For another local comparison., take my renegade El Dorado County against Napa County. Similar demos, distances to big cities, densities, etc. Complete opposite ends of the Covid Lockdown spectrum (at least within CA) and look at the results:
Per Capita Covid Results per 100K residents:
County: Covid Cases/100K Death w/ Covid/100K
El Dorado 5,196 58
Napa 7,139 59
Crazy, right?!
Anyway 0 and 2...