Maybe you’ve seen the news that the Los Angeles School District student Covid Vaccine mandate was postponed until next Fall Semester. There’s been a lot of congratulatory commentary that this is the first of many postponements and that these mandates are on the retreat.
I too initially took this news as a victory for liberty and a sign that these insane mandates will be defeated. While this might still be the case, there are signs coming from the Los Angeles County School Board that this mandate will die hard.
It appears that the reason being given for postponing the vaccine mandate is not over any concern for the education of the unvaccinated children, but simply because California law does not allow districts to disenroll kids midway through the school year. Due to this law, Los Angeles School District has to educate the children for the spring term and with ~15% of the kids failing to comply, the district would have to disrupt schools and classrooms if they wanted to segregate the unvaccinated children. They say they are postponing the mandate only for the benefit of the compliant 85%.
Instead, as school board member Jackie Goldberg explains in the video thread linked below, when the vaccine mandate comes into effect in the Fall semester, the unvaccinated children will simply not be allowed to enroll. This speech that Boardmember Goldberg gives is quite frankly deranged, as she hysterically implores parents to get their children vaccinated.
I encourage you to watch every video in this thread, I think there are a number of moments in this speech that will drop your jaw or leave you dumbfounded.
Her speech is so full of misunderstandings and straight up misinformation about Covid and the vaccines that for me to correct all her errors in this post would make it far to long for e-mail. Instead I'll rebut what may be the moral crux of her argument:
Here's the clip:
Boardmember Goldberg explains that the Covid vaccine issue is "very personal" to her because she "grew up with polio". She explains that she "saw classmates of [hers] die" from polio and even goes on to dismiss concerns over the Covid vaccines by saying they “knew nothing about the polio vaccine” but they took it anyway. She argues that polio would still be around today if we had the attitude then that we have today.
My. Gawd!
Anyone who, like Mrs. Goldberg, equates Covid to Polio should not get within a mile of the medical decisions parents make for their children.
Unlike Polio, Covid is not a risk, at all, to healthy children.
A recent study from Germany includes this statement:
The lowest risk was observed in children aged 5-11 without comorbidities. In this group, the ICU admission rate was 0.2 per 10,000 and case fatality could not be calculated, due to an absence of cases.
Literally not a single healthy elementary school age child has died with covid in Germany...
Unlike Polio, Covid is a highly contagious, rapidly mutating, respiratory virus with animal reservoirs. It has become endemic and will be with us likely for the rest of our lives.
Unlike the Polio vaccine, the Covid vaccine is non-sterilizing and won't prevent transmission. It will not stop the virus from spreading or "End the Pandemic".
Like the Polio vaccine at the time, there is limited understanding of the risks of the Covid vaccine.
Botched doses of the polio vaccine killed at least 10 children and left hundreds paralyzed. While this particular risk is not an issue for the Covid vaccine, since it is not a live virus vaccine, there are many other potential adverse event risks, some already identified, as in the case of blood clots and myocarditis.
The Polio vaccine was a lifesaver for children with benefits that outweighed its risks.
The Covid vaccine offers trifling benefit for children with unknown potential risks.
Just realize that these are the types of people pushing the covid vaccine mandates. Deranged Moral Busybodies who claim to be "following the science" while not having a damn clue in the world what they are talking about!
While it's worthwhile to take a victory lap and celebrate that Los Angeles County backed down for another 9 months, we must face reality:
These vaccine mandates will die hard and the battle has really only just begun.
Anyway 0 and 2...