I can't help but comment on the egregious guidance put out by the CDC which if followed would effectively keep schools shuttered indefinitely.
Compare a map of where school is currently open, shown in the map with shades of purple.
With a map showing each counties current color code under the new guidance.
Effectively the CDC is attempting to claim that the half of the country that has already safely opened schools has no alternative but to switch back to remote learning for the foreseeable future.
The very basis of the CDC's color code system is flawed as their own studies show that schools are not a source of disease transmission even while community spread is high.
The system also suffers from the same basic mathematical flaw as California's system. At current testing rates even a 0.3% false positive rate will make it impossible to reach the Blue level. (Our tests have a false positive rate closer to 2%!)
Their guidance is filled with other poison pills as well, like mandating 6' distance which effectively eliminates full in-person school, ventilation upgrades (a giant cash grab), and strict mandatory universal masking even while their own studies involved schools with optional masking in classrooms, and no masks at recess for K-8.
I doubt any districts already open will follow this guidance, but my heart breaks for the millions of kids who will go on not being taught for the remainder of this year and likely into the fall as well. What a farce!
CDC = Children Don't Count
Anyway 0 and 2,