So Sonoma County, in Northern California, just issued a 30 day stay in place order?!
No joke, it's like it's March 2020 all over again there. Honest to god, even after everything we've gone through these last two years I can't believe this. We've lost our damn minds!
Sonoma County is banning large gatherings — anything over 50 people indoors or 100 outdoors — and recommending that all residents shelter in place and avoid contact with those outside their households over the next 30 days.
Here's my question: Since Los Angeles County currently has a Covid case rate over twice as high as Sonoma county.
What are the chances that LA County follows Sonoma County's lead? And if they do, wouldn't they have to move the Super Bowl?
Anyway 0 and 2...
Well, they only have 90% of seniors & 80% of 12+ fully vaccinated 🙄.... in the immortal words of Shock G, "Let's get stupid!"