I was very disappointing to hear so much public hesitancy being express regarding the news that the Chinese now require an Anal Swab Covid test for foreign entries. I thought you we were supposed to be pro-Science? Don't you want to help slow the spread?
The government already has us covering our faces with used T-shirts, and keeping our kids out of school for a disease less likely to be harmful to them than the bus ride to and from. If the government tells us all to take an Anal Covid test isn't it our obligation to bend over? Come on, just take the Damn Test!
So what if there's little evidence than anal tests would help, can you show me any evidence that they wouldn't help? If there's even a chance that ONE LIFE could be saved, I think we all need to take one daily! #BendOverToSlowTheSpread!
Anyway 0 and 2,
P.S. In all seriousness, my understanding if that anal swab tests are actually better at detecting whether you recently had Covid because as one sheds dead virus from an infection, the DNA remnants last longer in fecal matter than in the nasal passages. I don't see how this is better than an antibody test or why the Chinese would use them on us, but I guess they might have some use. I can tell you for sure no one is going to test me that way...