Consider this: Over the last 3 days the state of California has reported 85,203 "confirmed cases" of Covid (Sars-CoV-2 Positive PCR Tests). On the other hand China has reported 86,673 cases over the Entire Duration of the pandemic!! A nation of 1.4 Billion (With a B!) people had as many cases over the last year as a state of 40 million had in the last three days?!
Maybe all is not what it seems...
Here's another interesting comparison:
Hubei Province (Were Wuhan resides) reports 68,149 total Covid cases over the entire pandemic
California reported 58,161 over the last two days.
Hubei has ~50% more population than CA at just ~40% the land area implying over 3 times the population density.
Just think back to the images from Wuhan back in January and February of last year. People dying on the streets, entire emergency hospitals built in days, entire city blocks of citizens made prisoners in their own homes. Can any of it be believed? It certainly doesn't seem like we are suffering a Wuhan's worth of pandemic every 2 or 3 days...
Anyway 0 and 2...